Using Images in Your Online Content

Posted byCJ Coombs Posted onMay 8, 2023 Comments0

A list of options for your free image search

Unsplash images are free to use. Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Using images without permission is a violation of copyright law. Most content writers probably know this.

Generally, when a person creates an image, they have the exclusive right to use and distribute it. If you use an image without permission, you could be violating the copyright owner’s exclusive rights and be liable for damages.

Additionally, using images without permission can damage the reputation of the copyright owner and potentially harm their business.

Most of the images I use are from Unsplash or Wikimedia Commons (unless copyrighted). It’s possible some writers aren’t aware that Wikimedia Commons has a lot of images available for free. You just provide the appropriate attribution.

Here is a list of resources to obtain free images. You need to remember to include attribution when it’s asked or required.

  1. Pexels
  2. Pixabay
  3. Flickr: Not all images are free, especially where you see “All Rights Reserved.” My experience with Flickr involves communicating with the photographer to obtain permission to use an image. Oftentimes, I receive permission if I also email a link to the article the image is being used for which is fair.
  4. Canva: This is a good resource if you only want to work with a free account to create images. A while back Kristina God wrote, As a Writer, There’s One App I Love to Use. Check that out.
  5. Burst by Shopify.
  6. StockSnap: The site reads, “every single image on StockSnap are governed exclusively by the generous terms of the Creative Commons CC0 license. Free images are added daily and they are free from copyright restrictions.
  7. FreeImages: This site states it has “millions of photos, illustrations, vector graphics, clipart, icons and Photoshop files that you can download for free.” The images are amazing.
  8. PicJumbo: This site was founded in 2013 by a young photographer. So many images.
  9. Kaboompics: This site even finds the free image for you.

Hope this information helps you on your article or blog writing journey.

Thanks for peeking.

2023 © Cathy Coombs
