What Happens When You Write for the Reader?

Posted by: CJ Coombs Posted on: February 14, 2023 Comments: 0

The potential for mutuality grows between you and a reader While I strive to write for readers first, I’m also writing for myself. Otherwise, why would I be writing? Writing and creating mutuality with a reader becomes my goal. Always have respect for your readers — don’t underestimate them. Aside from wanting to generate a profit, I believe writers also strive to make a difference in the world. As such, they may try…

Carve Your Words From Your Gut

Posted by: CJ Coombs Posted on: February 14, 2023 Comments: 0

Take a journey, reach for a lesson, and have a creative lifestyle Are writers a dime a dozen? Yes, but not all writers are great. It’s such a competitive field. It’s a bit like barbecue. I live in a suburb of Kansas City. You know, a place where barbecue attracts a lot of tourists. Residents also have expectations of it living up to its name. Some venues are the best, some are…

Hey Storyteller, Show Me Your Stuff

Posted by: CJ Coombs Posted on: February 14, 2023 Comments: 2

Sell me a story, and I’ll always read your work Put your words on canvas, and never let them dry and die if you want me to inhale your story. Like paint on canvas can speak your talent, your thoughtful wisdom on paper can too You place your words next to each other in an attempt to seize attention. More importantly, are you arousing curiosity? Grabbing curiosity Each time you…


Posted by: CJ Coombs Posted on: February 13, 2023 Comments: 0

Welcome to my tiny space on the web! I like to help people who aspire to become better writers. I also like to share my work too. I hope you enjoy reading! Thank you for visiting.